Industry Information

Market Size

【Trend of Tourists Visiting Japan and Number of Tax-Free Shops】 Source: Number of foreign tourists to Japan as announced by Japan National Tourism(JNTO). Written by our company citing the website of Japanese National Tourism

【(reference) Trend of tourists visiting Japan from China, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc.】Source: Prepared by this company by citing the statistics on the number of foreigners visiting Japan on JNTO

Growth potential and future prospects

Vision Establishment by Government of Japan

The government of Japan established new tourism visions in the ‘Council for the Development of a Tourism Vision to Support the Future of Japan’ on March 30, 2016 to become a leading nation in tourism.

The figures that seem to be related to this company among the above are as follows.

2020 2030
Number of tourists to Japan 40 million JPY 60 million JPY
Consumption amount in travel by tourists to Japan 8 trillion JPY 15 trillion JPY
Number of revisiting foreigners 24 million JPY 36 million JPY

The government of Japan is offering ‘three perspectives’ and ‘ten reformation policies’ to attain the above target, and the matters related to this company are as follows.

No. Reformation
1 Strategic alleviation of visa requirements (improvement of awareness through promotional activities over China, the Philippines, Vietnam, India, and Russia, and preparation of environment for acceptance)
2 Function strengthening of gateway of regional airports and promotion of LCC airplane operation (expansion of capacity of airports in metropolitan areas, alleviation of regulations relating to charter flights and LCC of regional airports, and research and review on tax-free system upon arriving at connecting airports)
3 Expansion of facilities to accommodate cruises (realization of zero-rejection of cruise ships, formation of international cruise base, and implementation of promotion for national implementation of port of calls in connection with conferences for national cruise vitalization)

Based on a macro perspective, the above background works as an advantage for this company.

Expansion of Cruise Market

  • Number of port calls for cruise ships and number per port

    Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport 2023 Number of Cruise Passengers Visiting Japan and Number of Cruise Ship Calls

  • Number of port calls for cruise ships operated by Japanese shipping companies from 2017 to 2023
    Rank 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
    Port nameNumber of
    port calls
    Port nameNumber of
    port calls
    Port nameNumber of
    port calls
    Port nameNumber of
    port calls
    Port nameNumber of
    port calls
    Port nameNumber of
    port calls
    Port nameNumber of
    port calls
    1 Hakata326 Hakata279 Naha260 Bella Vista Marina
    53 Bella Vista Marina
    82 Bella Vista Marina
    93 Yokohama171
    2 Nagasaki267 Naha243 Hakata229 Yokohama47 Yokohama72 Yokohama82 Nagasaki96
    3 Naha224 Nagasaki220 Yokohama188 Kobe30 Kobe24 Kobe57 Bella Vista Marina
    4 Yokohama178 Yokohama168 Nagasaki183 Miyazima・Naha19 Miyazima18 Shodoshima33
    5 Ishigaki132 Hirara143 Ishigaki148 Kasashima
    fishing port
    15 Miyazima32 Kagoshima82
    6 Hirara130 Kobe136 Hirara147 Kasashima
    fishing port
    16 Nagoya14 Nagoya22 Naha79
    7 Kobe116 Bella Vista Marina
    122 Kobe131 Hakata
    14 Omishima13 Miyanoura18 Hakata75
    8 Kagoshima108 Sasebo108 Kagoshima106 Omishima13 Nio12 Osaka / Takehara14 Hiroshima59
    9 Sasebo84 Ishigaki107 Bella Vista Marina
    100 Inujima12 Oshima11 Shimizu57
    10 Yatsushiro66 Kagoshima100 Sasebo79 Ishigaki・Nagasaki10 Koogeshima10 Shimizu13 Kochi53
    Others1133 Others1304 Others1295 Others110 Others149 Others342 Others1000
    Total2764 Total2930 Total2866 Total353 Total420 Total720 Total1854
    (Note) The figure for 2022 is based on a preliminary report delivered by port managers, and may be subject to change in the future.

Future Events in Japan

*Check event information ➡
  • Appendix

    Amount spent by tourists in Japan

    • Expenditure on foreign travel to Japan

      Source: Created by the company from Tourism Agency statistical data

    Purchase ratio per item and unit price

    Source: Created by the company from Tourism Agency statistical data